Friday, November 20, 2009

Why doesn't Mangoes have a warning label?

Why doesn't stores place a warning label for Mangoes? Mango skin contains Urushiol Oil, which is the oil contained in Poison Ivy that causes the allergic skin rash. So if you're allergic to poison ivy, you are allergic to mango skin. I didn't know this until I ate a mango and got poison ivy rash on my mouth and face. :(|||Why don't a lot of foods have warning labels on them? lots of people are allergic to lots of things. My aunt was highly allergic to shell fish! Is there a warning that shrimp can cause anaphalactic shock?? No!!

We all must be careful not to eat or touch anything we know we are allergic to. To find out the way you did is bad, but most people find out they are allergic to things this way.|||I am highly allergic to poison oak. I lived for two years in Africa and frequently ate mangoes with no problem at all!

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