Friday, November 20, 2009

My lil dog pork Chop has B.O. i wash in once a week.?

And now he has a skin rash. I have shampoo from the vet for his skin and it helps the rash but not the stink!!!!

I feel bad for him but he always smells like fritos.. And so does my carpet if i dont fabreez it ALOT!!

HELP|||Sounds like thats the only thing you can really do for him is to wash him in what the vets provided to you. Dogs have very irritable skin. You can buy a spray that is 100% all natural and is good for their skin...maybe try that..and lay off the freebreeze that could be causing him to have a rash.|||Never wash you dog once a week. That is way too much. I would say once a month should be good. Try changing him to a quality food, what is he eating now?|||If you wash your dog once a week, make sure you are using a conditioner to put back the oils in the coat. If you are stripping the oils out, the skin reacts to producing more oils.

the smell could be from the food you are using, or other internal problems. some dogs that come out of a shelter smell for MONTHS !! The skin can absorb smells, and then it takes a long time got get it cleaned out of the skin.

You could see you vet again, and see if there is any medical problems. I would switch to a higher quality food, and keep shampooing and conditioning and see what happens

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