Friday, November 20, 2009

Can Lotion Cause you to itch more???

i have a very good moisturizer lotion that does not cause skin rashes or any irritation. it's medicated, Jergens, which is not unhealthy. my skin looks and feels fine. but i am itchy. haha, sorry to over share, but i have a question. could the lotion be making me itch more? even though there is no rash? or is it just dry skin from the winter?? because i'm worried it's possibly my clothes or something. sorry to be so forward, but if anyone has an answer that would be great!

and to clarify, it's not new lotion, or new laundry soap. I've been using both for a long time with no problems. any possible ideas for what's the deal??|||prob an active ingrediant in the lotion but if u have used it for a while with no problems then prob some material of clothing or somethign different in ur diet taht makes ur skin more vunerable to catching bacteria|||It could be a build up of skin layers. Maybe you could try exfoliating and using a lighter lotion. Hope that helps.

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