Friday, November 20, 2009

Taking care of baby skin during winter?

Which cream can be used to keep baby's skin smooth and glowing during winter? Can she use any winter cream, moisturizer etc. like adults? What precautions to take to avoid any rashes/dryness in winter?|||I agree with the others here, Johnson's works great!|||Johnsons makes great lotions. I have also ventured into using the Parents Choice and it works the same. At night he gets a bath with the lavender moisture soap and then lather him up with the lotion. I do put Vaseline on his face b/c its so sensitive but it works great.

Just keep them moisturized and make sure they are hydrated and they will be gorgeous.|||we usually either use eucerin cream on any dry skin patches on everyone including the baby. but we usually put reg. baby lotion on the baby after his bath and that keeps him pretty silky|||I've always used Johnson's baby lotion on my daughter after her baths, since she was born. The only problem we have had with skin in the winter is her cheeks getting chapped and red. A bit of vaseline rubbed on before bedtime usually helps a great deal with that.|||my daughter has eczema and we use Eucerin or Aveeno lotion. they both work great!

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