Saturday, April 24, 2010

Swithching from Soy formula to Milk formula, can this be done?

my son is 4 months old. When he was 2 months the pediatrician swithched his milk from cow to soy because she claimed that the pimple like skin on his face was an allergic reaction to the cow milk. But he had baby acne.

Now he is eating about 6 oz every 3 hours but he has been spitting the milk alot with LOTS of saliva. I have used Enfamil soy, similac soy and now nestle soy cause he is always very constipated and the doctor recomended to buy the cheapest formula.

The new pediatrician said that the skin rash is not an indicator of any allergic reaction. I now want to switch to the Lipid AR from Enfamil since my son's spitting is getting out of control.

Can this be done?|||Honestly it sounds like he may have developed acid reflux (ie GERD)... the spitting up stuff with saliva etc. read my link I provided below...

Also if he is constipated.. chances are he is getting too much iron, that is a sign of that...

Another thing is, the dr should have never had him on cow's milk yet, he is to young! Formula yes but not cow's milk!! I would suggest trying him on Carnation ALLsoy from Nestle, that is so easy and gentle on babies tummy... my youngest used it because she had colic, milk allergies AND acid reflux too...

PS... just some info that might help if you do decide to use the formuala that you mentioned above.. you can sign up with them and get 2 free cans of powder (Link provided below)

Good Luck!|||You can always buy it off ebay or direct form the company, explain your situation to them... your welcome, glad I could help! Report It
|||Well considering he's only 4 months and you have already switched formulas 4 times you might as well give it a try. But I think you need to stick with one and give it some real time to see what's going on.|||yea, you can do it... I had to switch both of my boys formula around till we found one that worked.... I would try a lacto free first.... that way it is still "milk" but doesnt have the lactose in it, and might not be as harsh of a change from soy to straight milk based. You could also try adding a tablespoon or 2 of rice ceral to the it a little thickness may help, it did with mine.. especially at night... they seem to sleep better and LONGER.

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