Saturday, April 24, 2010

Could they cause this?

My boobs have been hurting a little over a week...i took a test a 2 weeks ago and it was negative. I have just started takin vitex,super primrose, and prenatals 9 days you think this is just a side effect? has anyone else had this side effect? it doesnt say it is? Vitex does not contain natural hormones. It appears to increase progesterone by stimulating luteinizing hormone release from the pituitary gland. Vitex also normalizes excessive prolactin, promoting fertility.

Female infertility

PMS, especially breast tenderness, cramping, and headaches

Acne, especially if it is related to the menstrual cycle

Fibrocystic breast disease

Heavy menstruation

Side effects are rare. Occasionally, women experience mild digestive upset or minor skin rash|||anything that has any effect on your hormones, especially female hormones can effect your breasts, if your are still concerned, contact your dr.

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