I think i might have childhood diabetes. I am 15 years old and weigh 93 pounds. Recently during my peried i have been pasing out. I eat alot of sweets. also between cycles i have been getting dizy if a meal is missed or delayed. I am realy scard. Please help me.
P.S. I also have a skin rash on my arms and face.|||I did not find out i was diabetic until I was 15. I did not have symtoms before that at all. You should have your doctor check it out. It's not as scary as it sounds. Anyone can get diabetes...it is no longer just if you have a relative...|||First, do not panic. To diagnose diabetes there has to be two different fasting blood tests to determine your blood sugars. Some of the signs of diabetes are frequent urination, feeling like you are always thirsty, and feeling like you are always hungry, even after eating.
Passing out during your cycle could be from the combination of blood loss (if it is heavy) and not eating. Usually not eating can cause hypoglycemia, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it is diabetes. Besides your weight isn't extreme for your age and childhood diabetes would be diagnosed well before the age of 15.
My advice, if you are really worried, talk to your parents and have them take you to your doctor. There are simple blood tests that can be done to determine whether or not this is diabetes.|||-Frequent urination
-Excessive thirst
-Extreme hunger
-Unusual weight loss
-Increased fatigue
-Blurry vision
I was just diagnosed in august, that list pretty much explains it all. eating alot of sweets doesn't cause diabetes, but iunno about the other stuff. go to ur doctor cuz its probably somethin else.|||do u have a 1st degree relative who has diabetes? if no, most probably u dont have it. i mean, it is a far-fetched idea. u dont ge diabetes by eating a lot of sweets. eating a lot of sweets can only aggravate your diabetes, but not the other way around.
getting dizzy if a meal is dealyed or missed is normal. because of that reason.
skin rashes on face (on the cheeks?) u might have SLE.
it is best to consult your doctor. your history, PE, and laboratory tests will confirm it. dont panic. it is best that we know now, than knowing it later. for your ease of mind also. goodluck! get well soon!|||Rash has nothing to do with diabetes either type 1 or type 2.
Eating lots of sugar doesn't cause diabetes!! It is also not a sign of diabetes.
Getting dizzy during your periods is something else. Perhaps you are iron deficient and need to eat lots more things like spinach.
Childhood diabetes, aka type 1 or juvenile diabetes is caused by a disease that destroys the pancreas ability to produce insulin.
Contrary to popular opinion JD does not have an age limit for people getting it!! It "usually" is diagnosed at a fairly young age but even old people can get type 1.
Also another popular myth is that children don't get type 2 diabetes. Any one of any age can get it. More and more teenagers are being diagnosed with type 2.
Don't be scared or worried!! Just go talk to your mother honestly and tell her how you have been feeling. If she is a good mother she will listen to you and find out what is the reason why you are feeling as you do.
Love from a Grandma|||If you are diabetic, eating lots of sugar can cause major problems.|||you need to go to the doctor...... sugar causes yeast....... juvinal dieabetic is different the adult...... or typeII go to the doc|||never mind all you said normally may happen to men not woman passing the period like the moon wax and wanes the human being is so this is not diabetes at all just drink a lot of water and eat fresh fruits and veg or take multi-vitamins that is all|||i think you have low sugar. not Hs. because you say you feel dizzy it might be you are not consuming the right food but the best thing is to tell your Doctor. as soon as possible|||well there are sooo many things that could be low blood pressure to high. it could be more things than sugar. you need to get to doctor and have tests run so that you are not scared it could be something very small and if its something to take care of do it and then you won't have to worry any more. take care.|||If you are scared, talk with your parents about seeing your doctor for blood tests to check your blood glucose level. Your getting dizzy when you miss a meal could be caused by low blood sugar. Your weight or your iron level could cause the passing out during your period. The rash may or may not be related in any way. Sometimes my daughter gets a mild break out around her mouth when her blood sugar has been high frequently.
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