Saturday, April 24, 2010


um.. for about a week i had very itchy labia that were red and irritated, and burned when i touched it. there weren't any blisters or anything like that. i had a lot of odorless discharge.. the symptoms disappeared right away as soon as my period came (3 days ago) but now i have a dry skin rash (dry skin with tiny red bumps) on my genitals, buttocks and on my left breast and knee. anyone know what is causing this? im going to the doctor soon but i want some opinions|||It sounds a lot like a severe yeast infection, except I am surprised that the discharge would be odorless. It seems unusual that herpes would affect your buttocks, knee and breast. To do so you would have had to contact the virus in those areas and for those areas would have to have broken to allow the virus to enter. The skin in those areas is generally too thick for a weak virus to enter.

Herpes would typically manifest as small fluid-filled blisters. You might have flu-like symptoms as well and burning on urination.

It sound more like yeast or some other bacterial infection. Please go see a doctor to have a culture done!|||That might be the symptoms for urinary track infection.. better go to the doctor now before it get worse....|||Probably a yeast infection - but doctor needs to check it out.|||defiantly u caught any sexual disease...I'm not sure what u have cuz I'm not a doctor but it seems infection.Don't see ur doctor soon, but Tomorrow....|||It sounds like it could be a yeast infection if it's also on your buttocks and breast. Yeast can live anywhere there is a warm, moist area. Please go to the doctor sooner rather than later - you don't have to wait until your period is over to go either.

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