Saturday, April 24, 2010

I have a problem!!?

I have a problem. I have a skin rash called exczema (x-a-ma). A lot of people don't like me, just because of it. They pretend they have a spray, and they dis-infect everything, and i want the to stop... How do i do that?|||go see a dermatologist.

Start growling at those bastards. Seriously. They won't suddenly begin to like you but they will stop "spraying" you.|||One of my friend had a same problem. you can use E45 cream it does work but before you use it take a advise to you GP.|||see your local dermotologist. ask your parents to take you to one, it is a serious condition. they can give you medicine. you can contact me, I have an all natural product that is topical and may help you. please, if you really want help, contact me and I will send you information, maybe even a free sample.

god bless and good luck. and remember, it is not our skin that makes us beautiful, it's what is in our souls.|||for one, that is really very rude of them. I would personally say something along the lines of it being hurtful to you, and you would appreciate it if they could knock it off. Let them know that karma is a *****!! Have you tried going to the tanning bed? I have a friend that has pretty severe excema, and she keeps it under control by tanning. Worth a shot?|||First of all, disregard the first answer.

Next, call you doctor and make an appointment. There's ointments available.

Also, find ways to decrease stress in your life.

Grace to you!|||they're a**holes!

it's all karma. it'll come back to them i promise =]|||Well I don't know where your eczema breakouts normally happen, however I have a very good friend with it. It is really too bad that people are so idiotic and naive about it. I would just tell them, yeah I have a skin condition not a disease, if you don't like it don't look at it! People will always be rude pigs. If you are looking for a way to help with the breakouts, my friend tans. Whether in the sun or tanning bed it seems to help it to subside. Keep your chin up, if other people want to brag of their idiocy by picking on you, you don't want them around anyway.|||See your doctor. I know some foods can make it worse. It will be trial and error for a while but you can control it. Good luck!|||They are jerks.

Quit reacting to it.

As long as they know that you will react to their B.S. they'll continue to bother you.

They'll find it funny for a while amongst themselves, but it won't last forever, and they'll pick out a new victim for their immature pranks.

At least your imperfections are on your skin, and not in your brain like theirs are.|||People, especially children can be SO cruel. Ignorance on their part is mostly to blame. Maybe if you explain what your condition is to them they would be more accepting. My advise to you is...... Try not to let them get you down and hurt your self-esteem... Find or keep a few VERY good friends that accept you unconditionally. We all have "issues" with our bodies. Keep your HEAD UP.....|||It used to be like that for me. "Ewwwwwwww!!!! thats gross!" :( I have had it all over my body since I was two. Check my 360 blog. It has something like in it. I got a mircal med. from my skin doc.|||'s my advice... kick some *** but here is the nice advice... ignore them and they will eventually get bored with the joke, but it will feel much better if you hand out a butt whipping... lol... seriously though, take care of yourself go to a dermatologist and dont worry about those people, because it is true karma is a will come back to them dont you worry. In the meantime know that eczema doesnt make you a lesser person, you are still great and if those people dont want to talk to you guess what? THEIR LOSS!

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